Potato Soup


3 – 4 large potatoes, peeled and chopped

1 onion, chopped

1  carrot, chopped

3 – 4 cups 2% milk

Salt & pepper to taste

6-8 slices crisp cooked Bacon, crumbled

Parsley for garnish


1.  Cook the vegetables in a small amount of the milk (covered) until tender.

2. Add: the remainder of the milk, salt & pepper.  Mash or blend to desired consistency.

3. Add bacon.  Simmer – do not boil.

4. When ready to serve sprinkle with parsley.

I added two further cups of milk to mine, together with a tablespoon of corn starch.  The result was more soup and thicker consistency.  Either way is delicious.

Note:  I improvised from another recipe.  The original recipe called for evaporated milk, also dill weed (neither of which appeal to me).

You could also add some shredded cheese, when serving – even Parmesan cheese adds a good additional flavor.


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